ဓမိၼကာရာမ သာသနာ့ရိပ္သာ 2214, HWY, 54.W, chapel Hill, NC, 27516, 8861,USA

ဓမၼိကာရာမ သာသနာ့ရိပ္သာ အမွတ္တရ ဓာတ္ပုံမ်ား


အနုႆတိ(၁၀)ပါးပြါးမ်ား၇န္- Repeated contemplation ten Anussati
Constant mindfulness repeated contemplation Constant mindlfuness of ten things
Consists of:-

(1) Reflecting on the virtues of the Buddha Buddhanus sati: reflecting repeatedly
On any one or ail of the nine virtues of the Buddha which leads to concen-
Tration and peace of mind.

(2) Reflecting on the virtues of dhamma, dhamma nussati: reflecting repeatedly on
The virtues of the part and fruition, which leads to concentration and pesad of

(3) Reflecting on the virtues of the samgha, samgha nussati: reflecting repeatedly
On any one or all of the nine attributes of the Noble ones,the Ariyas, which
Ennobles the mind and brings benefits:

(4) Reflecting on the perfection of morality, silanussti, is repeatedly reflecting on
The untainted, wholesomeness of one’ s morality which promotes peace and
Tranquillty of the mind,

(5) Reflecting on one ‘s charitable deed , caganussti, is repeatedly reflecting on
The meritorious nature of one’s charitable deed and generous gifts which
Ennoble the mind and develops the power of concentration.

(6) Reflecting on one’s virtue and thinking of celestial beings as precedents,
Devatanussati, is repeatedly dwelling on the strength of one’s convictions
And the like, thinking of precendents where such virtues result in being
Born as devas or brahmas, thus one ‘s heart is with peace and joy.

(7) Reflecting on the sublime attributes of Nibana, Upasamanussti, is repeatedly
Reflecting on the attainment of Nibana,

(8) Reflecting on the constituent parts of the body kayagatasati, meditating on
The 32 constituent parts of the body which helps purify the mind and
Builds up concentration.

(9) Reflecting on the nature of death, marananussti, repeatedly reflecting on
The inevitability of death, compared to the uncertainty of life which tends
To lessen thoughts of conceit , greed. Hatred, and leads to purification of
The mind.

(10) being minful of out breath and in breath, Anapanassti, comtemplating out
Breathing and in breathing which helps purify the mind and builds up
Concen tration.